The Astrology File

Gunter Sachs and IMWA


Some of you will have already heard of Gunter Sachs (1932 – 2011) – a jet set photographer and documentary film-maker who became famous when he married (and soon divorced) Brigitte Bardot.  It is less known that he was interested in astrology and actually founded an Institute, the Institute for Empirical and Mathematical Research into the Truthfulness of Astrology concerning Human Behavior and Predisposition” – IMWA for short.  He was qualified to carry out such research since he had studied mathematics and economics at University. 

Whilst the Gauquelins had done all their work by hand, Gunter Sachs was able to take advantage of the entry into the computer era.  He resorted to IT specialists and to the highly qualified services of statisticians working at the Faculty of Statistics at Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich (Germany) to process and analyze the data of millions of individuals that he secured via his high level contacts from official authoritative sources, such as Federal Office of Statistics in Berne. 

He spent two years carrying out research designed  to answer one fundamental question:   Does the star sign under which a person is born have any influence on that person’s nature?


The Institute set out to carry out a series of studies designed to see whether there were differences that could not be explained by chance in the behavior of individuals belonging to the 12 star signs, related to a specific parameter, e.g. divorce.  In simple words:  do people belonging to one or more star signs divorce more than people belonging to other star signs?

Before starting the actual research, the team set a few guidelines:

·       Studies were to be published even if they failed to prove the existence of differences among star signs.  Also negative results were of interest

·       Research was to be based exclusively on actual data collected by officially recognized bodies

·       Astrologers were NOT to be directly involved or interviewed.  Their expertise was not required, since the studies were related to a parameter that could easily be ascertained without their help

·       Any factors that might have distorted statistical results were to be examined and explained scientifically.  An example is the fact that more births occur in spring than in autumn

·       Results were to be presented using pre-set definitions in compliance with generally accepted statistical terms in the scientific community

·       All calculations and results were to be checked by a suitable neutral authority, such as a University




The book includes a chapter explaining statistics for non statisticians to help with the comprehension of the presentation of the results.

Contrary to what one might believe statistical tests used in scientific studies cannot demonstrate that a theory is valid with certainty.  All they can do is say how probable a certain difference is due to chance and not to the factor under investigation. 

In other words, the results provided the probability that the differences observed among individuals belonging to the 12 star signs were due to chance.  It goes without saying that such a probability was as low as one in a million, then it would be very likely indeed that  the theory that star signs influence behavior is true.

In the studies the statisticians set the following definitions for the differences observed among star signs:

-         “slightly significant= the probability that the difference was due to chance was no more than 5%  i.e. 1 in 20

-        significant”  =   the probability that the difference was due to chance was no more than 1%  i.e. 1 in 100

-        highly significant” = the probability that the difference was due to chance was no more than 0.1%  i.e. 1 in 1,000



IMRA results – overview 


The question

Data source(s)

Nature of the data

Sample size


Who buys astrological literature?

(versus general population)




German Federal Office of Statistics

Sales of zodiac sign booklets


Birth statistics 1950-1979

300,000 sales figures


23,879,000 births

Highly significant difference

Odds: 1:10,000,000

Who marries whom?

Swiss Federal Office of Statistics

All marriages in Switzerland between 1987 and 1994


men and women

Highly significant differences



Who divorces whom?

Swiss Federal Office of Statistics

All divorces in Switzerland between 1987 and 1994

109,030 couples

Slightly significant differences

Odds:  1:26

Who is single?

1990 census in Switzerland

Marital status

of whole Swiss population

aged 18-40 yrs

1,293,141 unmarried men


unmarried women

Highly significant differences

Odds: 1:10,000,000

Who studies what?

Universities Clearing House in Germany

Applicants to University places in 10 disciplines in 1994-1996




Highly significant differences

Odds: 1:10,000,000

Who does which job?

1990 census in Switzerland

Respondents to questions on prof status and current/last occupation


4,369,000 respondents on prof status and 3,590,913 respondents with one of the 47 most common occupations

Highly significant differences

Odds: 1:10,000,000


The question

Data source(s)

Nature of the data

Sample size


Who dies of what?

Swiss Federal Office of Statistics 

All deaths in Switzerland  between 1969 and 1994

1,538,005 deaths subdivided into 32 causes

Significant differences:

Odds: 1:270

Who commits suicide?

Swiss Federal Office of Statistics 

All suicides in Switzerland  between 1969 and 1994



Highly significant differences

Odds: 1:1,000

Who commits which crimes?

Central Criminal Records Office in Switzerland

All convictions for 25 types of offences between 1986 and 1994



Highly significant differences

Odds: 1:5,000

Who drives how?

 British insurance company VELO

traffic accident insurance claims in 1996

25,000 claims

Specifying amount of damages

Highly significant differences

Odds: 1:10,000,000

Who plays football?


(versus general population)

Archives of Kicker






German Federal Office of Statistics

all footballers in the German league between 1963 and 1998


Birth statistics 1950-1979

4,162 players







23,879,000 births

Highly significant differences

Odds: 1:10,000,000


Do these results prove that astrology is true? Click here to find out what I think

Would you like to find out what Gunter Sachs discovered about your star sign? Click here